
Saturday 6 April 2013

Good News For A Change

I went out to the barn to ride Walker for a planned 15 minutes at the walk, possible 5 minutes at the jog. I am pleased to say that I rode him for almost an hour, and we not only walked and jogged, but cantered too. He seemed to be feeling better and I made sure to take things slow and not ask too much. However, I realized that regardless of whether or not the tremors were from colic or hypp, that wouldn't affect how I ride him. After all, if he's going to colic, he'll just colic, and if he is hypp positive, the episodes are set off by dietary changes. So the only reason to take things slow with him is his anemia which, thankfully, is improving.

There was a tarp in the arena today, and although Walker was fine with it, another horse came in and was having an absolute meltdown. This caused Walker to be dramatically afraid of the tarp so now I have to desensitize him to it if he's still like that tomorrow. Monkey see, monkey do!

And because our barn is practically undergoing some rare bubonic plague of diseases, now another horse is sick. Or rather, she was having an allergic reaction and there were hives all over her! I felt so bad, but luckily, I now keep dexamethasone in my first aid kit so we were able to give her something for it. I mean really, what's next!?


  1. Good boy Walker! Hope the good news keeps on coming.

    1. Yes! At one point he even threw a little buck of defiance, and I let him because I was just so happy that he had enough energy to be that bad!
