
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Time Off

I woke up this morning and felt like someone beat me with a bag of bricks. In light of that discovery, I have decided to take the week off from Walker for the first time since getting him. I have been forced to take long periods of time off before (try 6 months) but I'm actually choosing to give us a break for a change.

I still intend to do my lesson Wednesday, assuming I feel ok, and so I will check on the little darling while I'm there.

I do plan to be back in the saddle by Friday though. Especially since I should get my two saddles in the mail to try out. Hopefully one of them fits him ok. I will be extremely discouraged if I have to start the saddle hunt all over again.

And I have to admit that if ever there were a good week to feel sick and take a week off from your horse, it would be Fall Premiere Week on TV!


  1. What kind of saddles did you get shipped? And enjoy the week off. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

  2. I usually take a week break a few times a year. We both like it!
