
Monday 14 October 2013

Preventative First Aid

When Walker got kicked in the leg last week and then went lame, I had one of those impromptu updates of the first aid tool box I keep in my car.

I added this to my kit last week - neat stuff
It got me to thinking that in an emergency, I'm generally quite set. I've got lots of stuff for cuts and swelling and the vet's phone number for big emergencies. But what about the day to day stuff?

Our pre-ride routine is fairly simple. I groom. I tack. Sometimes I do our massage therapist-recommended stretches. If I'm feeling particularly plucky, I even put his Professional Choice boots on (but I'm not consistent with those babies).

Our post-ride ritual is even worse. I untack. I pick his feet. And I give kisses.

I know there is a whole world out there of BoT and Sore No More and linaments and cold hosing and standing wraps that I really have not been indoctrinated into. I have some friends who have a good show routine going but many people I know are like me - pretty sparse on their day to day care.

So I'm curious. What are your daily rituals? How do you take care of your horse's long term health and soundness? What do you do pre-ride and post-ride, and how do you apply the various treatments that you do (wraps? gels? on the legs? on the back? etc)

I'm also a big fan of "folk remedies". The kind of things old cowboys swear by. As long as they're safe of course. For instance, one of the ladies at the barn fed her horse garlic the other day. Keeps the flies away. And wouldn't you know it, they won't go anywhere near her. But she also stinks!


  1. After I ride I will put liniment on his back and/or hocks and I'm hoping to get hock ice boots in the future to put on him.

    1. You put linament on him each time? Hmm... That gets my wallet thinking...

  2. I second the liniment, if I do a long ride or some jumping. I do the back, hock and hammies. Carrot stretches if I've got time, because his muscles are already warmed up. He also gets some soaked beet pulp, because I like for it to be a special treat for putting up with me.

    1. The beet pulp is a nice idea. I used to do alfafa as a treat but don't anymore because of his diet. Clearly I should invest in some linament!

  3. That MSM Soothing Gel looks very interesting, I'll have to read up on that!

  4. Stretching and BoT, also proper warm up and cool down, as well as proper nutrition.
