
Friday 3 January 2014

Decisions decisions

It turns out that 2014 is off to a suspiciously bad start.

On Wednesday I worried that Walker might get cold in the cold snap, since we all know he managed to destroy his liner last week.  I went out to the barn to blanket up, but it was locked.  No matter how much I prowled liked a burglar through the night, I could not find a way in.

When I got back into the car, I couldn't get it started.  Great.  Now I'm officially friends with the neighbours who had to jumpstart it for me.  I'm sure the sweet older couple were thrilled to have a 25 year old dressed all in black with everything but a ski mask on come up to their door in the middle of the night.

Today went much the same.  I just found out that  my instructor - my wonderful, fantastic, fun jumping instructor - has resigned at our barn.  She's a nursing student and also runs the lesson program at another barn.  Needless to say she's a busy woman, not to mention a horse owner herself.

Now I find myself between a rock and a hard place.  I've paid for the month of lessons and I have a lesson to myself.  My barn owner hasn't contacted me yet but I have a sneaky feeling that he will want me to join the Program full time.  After all, the only instructors left are his Program inductees.

Even if I can wrangle myself into a jumping lesson (which I suspect will be difficult since I know of no replacement for this instructor), I know for a fact that the jumping lessons done by the other instructors aren't nearly as heavy on the jumping as mine were.  Don't get me wrong, flatwork is great and blah blah blah, but I do plenty of that on Walker.  I find that I get just as much flatwork training in a jump course as I do without jumps - if that makes any sense.

I have been suspecting for awhile now that our time at the barn might be coming to a close anyway.  Let's just say that I pick my barns primarily for Walker.  It is one of the best facilities with great care, and I really want him to be healthy and sound.  However, I learn more and more about the barn and certain personalities everyday, and I'm not too sure how long we will be there, whether voluntarily or not.  If you can read between the lines.

This new turn of events might accelerate that a little faster than I had hoped.  Here's hoping we can work something out and that we can stay.  January is a bit chilly to be homeless.

On the study front, I've been watching a Criminal Minds marathon for six days straight.  So studying has been super productive.  Not.


  1. That's stressful :/ Might want to be barn shopping if I'm reading between the lines properly. Better to be prepared!

    1. Yeah. I have a back up barn in mind, just in case.

  2. For my Marine Bio Mid-term I watched "The Life Aquatic" I got an A. Doesn't say much for intro to marine bio I guess lol.

    1. Haha. Watching Criminal Minds while studying law does only two things for me: it makes me question the portrayal of the justice system on tv, and it makes me extremely paranoid about serial killers. Especially that last one.

  3. You can't catch a break lately. It's been a bad winter all around. 2014 needs to be better!

    I would start looking around too. I know all too well the struggle of balancing wants and needs with a barn. But hey, you can always move to NS and have Walker come live with Mex. ;)

    1. That is still always an option! He would totally love his very own herd of warmbloods to run with!

  4. "Barn personalities" really suck, it's like high school all over again. Hope things work out, I know this has to be stressful in the dead of winter.

    1. Yeah. I think the winter part is the most stressful. If this were the summer, it would be easier all around.
