
Sunday 9 February 2014

A Case of the Mondays (and Tuesdays)

Monday Walker was still a little winded, so we had a short ride, all trot, no canter.

On Tuesday, in an effort to nip this in the butt, I decided to lunge him and then ride bareback.  I knew that if I rode bareback, I wouldn't work him as hard because I would be working myself much harder so that I didn't fall off.

We did a little jogging and some cantering.  Nothing too exciting.  It has been awhile since I've done any bareback work, and needless to say, my body was feeling the burn pretty fast.

On Wednesday we got our weekly snow storm.  I'm not even kidding.  It has snowed every Wednesday for about a month.

Saturday I rode again with the lady I helped out last week.  We rode together this time, and I encouraged her to trot for almost 30 minutes (which is about 20 minutes longer than last week, and 30 minutes longer than she would have trotted on her own).

When we were done our ride, she told me that she loved riding with me and that I gave her the confidence she needed.  Which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Then she gave Walker an apple as a treat and I'm sure he felt all warm and fuzzy inside too.

Walker didn't work that hard on Saturday because I was trying to make sure that we weren't in her way, but after she left the arena, I did a little cantering to see where he was at with the huffing and puffing.  Three circles going large in each direction was enough to have him puffing, but I can't forget that I also lunged him hard before we rode.  He has always been one to pant while he canters anyway.

The three (well, six) circles was a good baseline though.  Perhaps I'll use that to help increase his fitness level, if that's really the problem.  I am starting to think it's a combination of still being out of shape (which is understandable since he's only been back to consistent work for a month or so) and also the weather.  It has been fluctuating a lot here.

Now I'm off to the barn again today.  I'd like to get him as responsive off the leg laterally as he has become going forward.  Dare I dream!


  1. Weekly snow storm... No thanks! We've been getting Ice and snow too. Not a fan!

    1. I know. Unfortunately I drive a camry not a snow plow so it's becoming an annoyance

  2. I'm ready for spring! Glad to hear Walker is doing well.
