
Monday 21 April 2014


I apologize (again) for falling off the face of the earth.

Walker spent the better part of last week lame. I suspect that he got too excited by the nice weather and went running through the mud. Well, I don't just suspect. I know that's what he did. I simply suspect that is the cause of the lameness.

I buted for a few days but let him to back outside anyway hoping it would pass.

Then I left town for Easter and he got some more time off, which he needed anyway following the lameness.

I returned today to this:

A gigantic scar on his neck where he clearly got into it with another horse and no one bothered to tell me. So it has already scarred over without me getting a chance to clean it.

Oh and he's 10x more lame than last week. So I asked that he be kept in for a few days, which frankly, should have been obvious given the way he hobbled down the hallway.

But I'm too tired to be cranky about my lame horse being turned out for a week. 

I also slathered his front legs in Sore No More, which, even if it doesn't help, can't hurt. I guess.


  1. :(

    How shitty that no one communicated about his worsening lameness or battle wounds. Fingers crossed he gets sound soon.

    1. Yeah I know. That irks me but whaddya gonna do

  2. Ugh :( wonder why no one told you about the lameness and owie- boo!
