Thursday 24 April 2014

Buy all the things!

So I finally shelled out and bought Walker all the accoutrements for The Program.

And while it pains me to admit, I absolutely understand why everyone at my barn goes out and buys these things now.  But of course I'm too proud to tell them that!  Pride goeth before the fall...

Anyway, Walker and I have started incorporating a little bit of The Program into our daily lunging routine mainly because I liked how it got him more sensitive to my commands, really using himself better, and paying attention to me.

I've been doing all of this with a normal nylon halter, lunge line and lunge whip.  When I share the arena with others and Walker is feeling like a jerk, I tend to put a chain over his nose because he is strong and pulls on the end of the lunge line.  Or does crazy things that makes me fear for others.

I really doubted that this flimsy little rope halter would have the same effect as a chain over my horse's nose.

I was wrong.

It is just as effective if not more so, without the worry I was having of being the cruelest mom on the planet for trying to overpower my pony with metal.

The lunge line is a great weight and so is the stick.  It is much stronger, and so you don't have to hit the ground as hard.  Let's just say that the first time I whacked the ground (with the same strength I was used to with my flimsy little lunge whip), I got my point across.

It's funny because, if you remember, I was totally skeptical of this Program at first.  Well, maybe not completely against it, but I was very "keep this away from me and my pony; we're just fine, thanks."  But now I'm starting to like the things we do.

Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to have Walker doing back flips anytime soon, but as with all programs, I like to pick and choose the elements I enjoy.

And I enjoy our new gear.

And, of course, he looks dashing in it all.