
Wednesday 18 June 2014

Call to the Bar

I apologize for disappearing for a few days, but I was busy getting called to the bar.  And no, I said bar call, not bar crawl.  

It means that after endless years of education and debt and one very long year of articling, I am officially a lawyer.

I should be more excited but I'm actually just really tired.

Striking a pose in my sexy lawyer garb on the street
Anyway, in more important news, Walker was a lunatic when I lunged him on Tuesday, and he was unsurprisingly lame today.

It was a lot like someone replaced my quarter horse with an Arabian.  He cantered for 30 minutes on the end of the lunge line with no stop and he was really on edge.  I wasn't feeling that good from the endless travelling I have been doing, so I didn't plan to ride anyway.  It's a good thing I didn't because I'm sure he would have put me in the dust.

So today I went out to the barn and he was lame.  He seemed sore in his stall, but he is always sore in his stall.

So I walked him down the hall.  He seemed sore but he is always a little ouchy on the concrete.

So I lunged him in the arena for a few minutes.  He seemed a little off but he is always a little stiff at first.

So I tacked him up, hopped on, and nope, he was lame.  For realz.

Apparently the ten million signs pointing me in that direction were just not enough.  The universe had to let me go drag out all my tack and get him into the arena before it could finally convince me that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

Oh well.  It gave me the opportunity to clean out a bag I drag back and forth to the barn and just spend some quality time with my main man.

He did this to himself.  No word of lie.


  1. Congratulations!

    And...oh, Walker. What a special picture. :-p

    1. Thanks! :) And it didn't even phase him. He just kept on doing what he was doing.

  2. Wow Congrats!! That is big news! :)

    Hope Walker feels better soon and that he just messed himself up a little from his crazy lunge line antic's :)

    1. Thanks! I guess it is :) And yeah, I think it's his own fault to be honest.
