
Saturday 12 July 2014

Doing Nothing

What do I do without Walker?  Apparently nothing.  All day.  Every day.

At first I was productive.  I thought that maybe this was an unacceptable state for my car:

I mean, you know things are bad when you can't even offer a horse person a ride.

So I cleaned and I organized and there are bins and bins inside of other bins and life is good again for my car.  (And there is no picture proof so you're just going to have to take my word for it.)

And then I started going for drives.  I drove and I drove and I looked at all the pretty ponies and farms everywhere within a one hour radius of me.  But soon that got expensive (and I am always mildly concerned that my car is going to break down on some back road since it is careening towards death status as it is).

And then I started watching movies.  Like the entire Anne of Green Gables set.  Because I was going to go to PEI this week but life got in the way.  And so what do you do when you can't go to PEI?  You watch Anne of Green Gables and swoon over Gilbert Blythe.

And then when my 614 minute long movie was over, I played a lot of 2048.

And I drank a lot.  Until this happened:

No, seriously.  I drink rum.  And it is gone.
Somewhere during this time, I even went to visit Walker.  But no work appears to be bad for Walker.  He was all "OMG! Watch me run on the spot!" and "Get the flies off me.  I am going to dance and leap sideways every three seconds until the flies get off me!".  Even though he is lame.

His ability to gracefully trot and leap about while unable to walk is astounding.

And with that, my vacation is just about done.  It's back to work on Monday and back to a world where people supposedly get by without horses every day.


  1. Isn't it fun how horses are always "lame" yet they are capable of galloping around?

  2. I think your car looks def like a horse person lol! We need the after picture!

    1. I feel like I waited too long to include the after picture and now it is a disaster again!

  3. Sometimes doing nothing is exactly what you need to do! I thought for a second you stole my car. But my hunter boots are brown :P
