
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Other Pursuits

In my time away from riding, I have been pursuing some other activities to keep me busy until I can get back into a lesson program.  Here are some of the highlights:


At the beginning of 2014, I vowed that I would read one book a week for a total of 50 weeks (because it took me two weeks to come up with this plan).  Although I had a lengthy two months off in the middle of the summer, I somehow managed to get 5 books behind.

I am currently reading book 31, and although I will probably post my entire list of books read sometime at the end of this year, for now I will let you know some of my favourites that I have read so far this year, in the order that I read them:

  1. Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
  2. The Dead in their Vaulted Arches by Alan Bradley
  3. Mercy Among the Children by David Adams Richards
  4. Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock
  5. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

Yeah.  I probably should not admit to the fact that I have been binge-watching tv like it's going out of style, but hey, everyone needs to live outside of reality once in a while.

Here are some of the shows I've been catching up on:
  1. Sons of Anarchy
  2. Friday Night Lights
  3. Arrow
I am beyond excited for Fall premieres. 


I have taken up boxing.  And it is hard.  I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good full body workout.  I'm hoping that it will be a great way to get me back into shape for riding.  

I've already learned that my weaknesses are almost entirely horse-related.  Legs and core?  Relatively solid thanks in large part to riding.  Arms?  Not so much.

Besides, sometimes a girl just needs to punch something.


  1. Yarrrghhh, where's my comment?!

    Summarize: I wish I'd tracked my books because I duplicate all the time and forget series. :(

    And boxing sounds fun. After having experienced Krav Maga, I think I'm gonna try MMA. Because I want to beat people up, too.

    1. I'm interested by all your stories about Krav Maga but we don't have anything like that around here. My trainer does Muay Thai and MMA as well, which I really want to try, but I feel like I need to be semi-competent at boxing first

  2. I think I might try for 50 books in 2015, that's a great idea.

    I'm a Margaret Atwood fan as well :)

    1. I've been really enjoying it! And you can definitely do it if you put your mind to it.
