
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Walker and the Electric Fence

In one of Walker's pastures there is a shed.  The shed is next to the barn which is attached to a cellar.

To keep the horses away from the shed, the barn, and the cellar, my barn owner has put up an electric fence.

The electric fence runs from the wooden fence, around the shed, around the cellar, along the edge of the barn and back to the wooden fence.

The space between the electric fence and the shed/cellar/barn is about 3 feet, maybe 4 in some places.

The electric fence itself is about 3 to 3.5 feet tall.

One day, my barn owner came home and saw Walker standing very still.  The closer she got, she realized that he was standing between the electric fence and the barn.

She scrambled to turn off the electric fence, searched my horse for the telltale marks of a struggle with electricity, and then followed the electric line to find where he had mangled the fence and brought it down.

But he hadn't.

The electric fence was completely in tact.

Because of the small space between the fence and the barn/cellar/shed, he could not have leaped the fence.  Plus, let's be honest, there is no way he could leap 3 feet anyway.

My only guess (other than magic or a canny newfound ability to take down and reassemble a fenceline) is that he rolled under the fence.

Picture this for a second.  There is barely enough room between the electric fence and the shed, but he is damned if he is going to be told that he can't be over there.  He would literally have had to drop to his knees, clutch his legs to his chest tight so as not to kick the low hanging wire and roll like an army soldier under this fence so as not to get electrocuted.

My horse is a ninja.

But honestly, to this day, we have no idea how he did it.


  1. I have seen a horse do a shimmy and a crawl so I wouldn't put it past walker to do that!

    1. That's true. Just that having seen the space, it is mighty impressive
