
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Looking Past Freedom

Work has been crazy lately.  We're talking 50-60 hour weeks kind of crazy (and I'm not entirely sure that even catches all the time).  There used to be a time that I went and saw Walker 6 days a week even when he was lame and unrideable.  Now I'm lucky to see him once a week.

This depresses me to no end, most of all because I knew it would happen.  I once said that if I didn't buy a second horse (or lease a second horse, or take 10,000 lessons a week) before I started work as a bona fide lawyer (instead of just the articling clerk), I wouldn't have time afterwards.

Why?  Because lawyering is time consuming, and it's difficult to break away from that unless you already have some sort of routine established.  Articling can be time consuming too, but when I was doing that, I was riding so I had no problem getting to ride, if that makes any sense.

This also means that I just can't keep up with blogs as well as I used to.  Either I have nothing to post or I have no time to read or write one.  I apologize to everyone who keeps getting my comments two weeks after the posts have been up.  I'm still getting to them.  It's just a bit of a time delay.

It also makes me sad because my money situation has not improved.  I am sad to tell you that I'm still not a millionaire and so I can't even devise a way to get more riding in.  Luckily for me, my riding instructor is fantastic and she pretty much just lets me crash random lessons and show up at odd times if I need to.  She is perfectly prepared to let me pay like $20 to just grab a horse on the weekend with some of the girls at her barn and go on a random trail ride.  So at least there's that.

Unfortunately, there is this great opportunity for a clinic coming up at the end of the month but I of course don't have the money and can't guarantee that I have the time.

So whatever balance I used to have, I need to get back.

Some days I kind of feel like this picture of Walker: like someone has left the door open and I'm still looking out the window for my escape route.


  1. I so feel your pain! Good luck - you'll figure it out.

  2. I can relate. Sorry that you're having a hard time balancing work and life :/

  3. You'll figure out something, give it time, it will work out.

  4. Yes I believe you will figure it out and don't apologize on the blog front, do what you gotta do.
