
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Putting Horse Stuff To Everyday Use

I am ashamed to say that the state of my storage room (or my home tack room, as I like to think of it) has deteriorated a little since moving Walker.  My new barn owners are still trying to get everything settled at the barn so I haven't really moved any of Walker's stuff in.  This means that it currently lives in three places: the trunk of my car, the back seat of my car, and my home tack room.

It may or may not be a little disorganized:

But the other day I was searching for something (and by the other day, I of course mean 3 weeks ago because that's how long this post has been half-written and forgetten) and found this Higher Standards package I ordered way back.

So of course I had to put it to good use!  But since I have nothing horsey left to clean (you can only clean clean tack so many times), I decided to clean some of my high heels.

And I used the Viva Carlos scent to boot!  It was my first time using it and I love it.


  1. I approve of those high heels and want them.

    1. :( I wrote a comment and blogger ate it.

      I was going comment what L said! "You used her scent on shoes she probably also has!"

      Killer heels!

    2. I love them. Some of my co-workers call them my "I mean business" shoes

  2. Nice! Excellent use of horse product!
