Thursday, 11 July 2013

Radio Silence

I think I may be going silent for a little while, not for too long, probably just a few days since I have company coming and a wedding to attend, but I also probably won't have anything to report.

After further discussions with my vet, she has agreed with the farrier about the elevated pad for his shoe. Well, "agree" meaning she thinks it won't be too horrible as long as its mild. I was already leaning this way anyway so I'll probably give him the go-ahead.

As for Walkers time off, I've decided to give him some unofficial time off for the next couple weeks while I continue to monitor his progress, which may include lunging but not riding. Probably. 

A new friend of mine gave me the rundown of all the other barns in the area which, for the most part, are cheaper than my current barn and some of which are actually similar quality. I'm going to puzzle it over in my brain for the meantime, trying to decide where Walker should be if I go ahead with official time off, if I end up doing lessons, etc etc etc.

On the lesson front, my current barn owner still hasn't gotten back to me about availability. He offered me a lesson time but he clearly missed my "it needs to be as late in the day as possible because of my job" tirade. Since refusing that time, I haven't heard from him. So who knows what will become of lessons. If that doesn't work out, I probably won't be taking lessons until (or if) I move Walker to another barn.

I will take this one brief moment to be Debbie Downer and say that the future is bleak for my riding career. Based on my finances, my chances of improving my finances, Walker's situation, and my career path (or potential lack thereof), I really don't know where this will leave us come this time next year.

For the meantime, I'm focusing on Walker. He was a little down in the dumps himself last night, standing listlessly in his stall even though I had the door wide open and he normally likes to make good-natured attempts at escape. 

Also, completely random thought but there was a carrot in Walker's stall last night. I don't mind if people give him treats, but I'm a little perturbed that no one asked me first. I mean, sick horse on stall rest could have had allergies, people! I would never treat a horse without its owner's permission, and even then, I don't want to be responsible for the potentially bad behaviour that will follow. I just thought it was a little bold.


  1. Hugs!! Hope that you are able to figure out what is best to do with Walker.. seems like you have some decisions to make and I am sure you will do wahts best for him! :)

    He looks super cute in the picture!

  2. Enjoy your non-horsey time and I hope you get some more clarity on Walker and his situation.
