Thursday, 8 August 2013

30 day challenge

It probably would have been smart of me to mention 8 days ago that I am doing L. Williams' 30 day Instagram challenge. But I like to march to the beat of my own drum.

Day 1 Your Horse
Day 2 Tack
Day 3 Favorite Riding Outifit
Day 4 Helmet
Day 5 Ribbon
Day 6 Riding Buddy
Day 7 Barn
Day 8 Riding Arena
Day 9 Fail Photo
Day 10 Treats
Day 11 Riding Discipline
Day 12 Biggest Success
Day 13 Bareback
Day 14 Trainer
Day 15 Bond Photo
Day 16 Equestrian Idol
Day 17 Horse Show
Day 18 Horse's Feed
Day 19 Boots
Day 20 Favorite Pony
Day 21 Favorite Horse
Day 22 Pet Peeve
Day 23 Riding Photo
Day 24 Action Photo
Day 25 Favorite 10
Day 26 Throwback
Day 27 Funniest Photo
Day 28 Barn Pets
Day 29 Riding Goal
Day 30 Favorite Photo

The following is a summary of my photos so far. Feel free to add me to Instagram or participate yourself! The Internet can never have enough pictures of ponies.

Note: my Instagram is natstew04. That would probably be helpful information


  1. Always march to the beat of your own drum!

  2. I really need to do this challenge! I love everyone's photos.

    1. You should! I was surprised that you weren't doing it because you always have so many nice photos

  3. Love your riding buddy one :) hehe
