Saturday 5 April 2014

April Goals

I was going to title this post "April Showers", but "April Flood" is probably more accurate.  We finally got our snowfall counts for March.  Average for that time of year = 50 cm.  2014 March snowfall amount = 130 cm.

So now we fear the Great Thaw.

With good reason of course.  Since I forgot to mention that my barn flooded last week.

Oh yes.

Luckily, the water did not leak into the stalls.  It was ankle deep in the lounge however.  I show up to the barn literally on my way out of town (which was all pulling an Atlantis in one form or another) and dressed in normal people clothes to discover six kids and my barn owner frantically trying to push the water out.

We had to move all the couches out, the tables, the desk (and I pulled my back doing so, not to mention got all my nice clothes soaked, but whatever), but try as we might, we could not keep the water out.  Every time we got it out of the lounge, it just filled back up within minutes.  So we cut power, I checked on my pony, and skipped town.

It will happen again.  It will all happen again.  I no longer look forward to Spring.

That being said, I've decided I need a few goals for April, even though I'm away for the first half of it.  Regardless of what I decide to do about showing or not showing, I want Walker and I to be as fit and ready to do whatever I decide to do on a whim.  So I bring you:

Natalie's unrealistic April goals:

1. Exercise regularly - I need to get a little fitter since my body is still coasting on the 9 months of laziness I had when Walker was off

2. Work on leg yields - I think the missing puzzle piece in the Walker-needs-to-be-light-off-the-leg saga is lateral movements.

3. Trim Walker's mane - I let it go

4. Bath Walker the first nice day I get

5. Do a full tack clean - spring cleaning time!

*Upon reflection, it looks like this is more an "easily attainable list of tasks" than "unrealistic goals", but as we all know, everything can become unrealistic if you don't take the time to do it.

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