Sunday 13 April 2014

Undoing a week of crazy

I didn't get back to town yesterday until late, so I didn't get out to the barn until today.  Because Walker was a little bit lame last week after a week off and because he got his shoes done on Thursday, I decided to just lunge him today and tomorrow to get all the silly out.

He had plenty to say about that.  Now that it is warmer and Spring-ish, he is sweating up a storm, and since he insists on being a brat, he got to sweat bullets while I made him work.

Yes, I realize that this time a week ago I was complaining about snowstorms, but that's literally how fast the weather can change.  This week we almost have no more snow on the ground.  

In fact, my barn owner taught a lesson in the outdoor arena this weekend.  Most of it was in the mud and they could only use a third of the arena, but he was outside nonetheless!

Walker got a quick attitude adjustment, which he needed, and then tomorrow hopefully we'll repeat.

I've also noticed that Walker has developed really dry skin.  He is always pretty itchy, and granted, Winter is a pretty dry season, but I noticed today that underneath his tail, the skin was peeling.

Does anyone have any suggestions for something I could introduce into his diet to help with dry skin?

I'm thinking about flax right now.  A fellow boarder suggested oil, but I'm not really interested in going down that route.

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