Wednesday 30 April 2014

The Haunted Forest

I have developed a rather irrational fear of the outdoors.

It's kind of Walker's fault. I'm fine with other horses outside, but Walker is just a handful of jerk outside, regardless of being in an arena, outside an arena, or actually being fenced in. I mean, all horses are a little googly eyed outside, especially for the first time in Spring, but Walker just becomes a mustang. He's not spooky. He just thinks he's a mighty stallion of the outback.

But I digress.

I lunged Walker in the outdoor arena last week, more for my own mentality than his. While I was lunging, two kids came out and said they were going on a trail ride.

That's fine. Neither of them are adults but they are competent riders (read: 10x the rider I will ever be) and mature.

They disappear into the woods and I continue with my business.

Not ten minutes later, I hear bloodcurdling screams. Like multiple screams, one of which sounded like an animal.

To make matters worse, my never-spooky horse flips out. He was full on Arabian, tail stuck in the air and making those terrifying menacing dragon puffing sounds. He is now giving me the most fantastic trot I've ever seen, but he's also threatening to run me over in pure fear.

I assume what any other rational adult in the vicinity would assume: something jumped out of the woods and spooked the horses, and I just heard the sounds of children being trampled to death.

You know, nothing too dramatic.

So now I'm running. With Walker in hand. Who at this moment is like, "Oh my god! This must be serious if mommy is running away from it too." Yep. Reinforced that fear.

I ditch the horse at the barn and take off like an out-of-shape rocket ship into the woods.

Where I find the two girls. Calmly and quietly walking out on horseback.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" I practically scream at them, in the way an escaped mental patient gets all up in your grill.

"Yes..." They say.

Because the screams weren't them. In fact, they didn't hear the screams.

So clearly the woods are haunted.

I should probably stay inside. :)

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