Saturday 17 May 2014

Blog Hop: Continuation School

Although I have been trying to blog regularly, I've been finding that I don't get as much of a chance to read everyone's blogs as soon as they come up.  I always read them.  It just takes me longer.

So I'm a little late getting around to L's blog hop but I think that it is a very thought-provoking question - at least in my situation.

Why do you continue to ride?

Well, lord knows I'm not going to the Olympics anytime soon.  I can barely trot a straight line.  I actually told one of the kids at the barn the other day that I "spend a lot of money on something I'm not really that good at."

So why do I continue to ride?

Because I built my life around this.  Literally.  I pretty much only went to law school so I could get a horse.  True story.

And on that train of thought, I have also expressed time and again that if I didn't have a horse, I'm not entirely sure that I would be where I'm at, doing what I'm doing.

Why do I continue to ride?

Because I had a dream.  Just one dream.  My whole life.  To have a horse.  That's it.  Simple.

Riding keeps me sane.  Riding makes me feel free.  Riding makes me feel like I accomplish something (even when, you know, I probably don't).  Riding - and horses in particular - feels like it is an integral part of my personality.

And this is my thing.  This is what I do.

So Walker and I just bumble along.  Together.

And I think, to some degree, I'm probably just a little bit crazy.  Aren't we all?


  1. As I've been floating (or just trying to keep myself from drowning this last year) I've come to realize that I totally changed my MO somewhere between highschool and college. I originally only went to college so I could 'have a degree to fall back on if I got hurt riding'. I wanted to be a Professional, and then along the way I got caught up in this idea of having a career out of horses (probably a mix of being a working student and seeing how hard the life is and the economy crashing). I definitely don't mind where I am now, but man.. what a journey.

    1. I agree. Looking back sometimes, it's so easy to be like, "wow, so that's how I got here."
