Wednesday 7 May 2014

In which Walker gives me a heart attack

Walker took a reaction to his vaccinations last week.

I find this out during Disaster Friday, which is what I call any day of the week in which everything hits the fan at work.  So I'm knee deep in work when I get the text that his neck is swollen and he can't move it.


I drive out to the barn, but luckily, "swollen" simply meant that he had a bump on his neck where the needles went in which just happened to be bigger than the bumps on the necks of the other two horses who got done.

He was sore in his neck though, so the barn manager hung a hay net for him.  I was content to discover that he was chipper all the same, which made me feel 10x less bad about leaving town that night.

Luckily I was only gone for one night and when I came back on Saturday night, he was 100% back to normal.

I think that my barn manager thought I may have been overreacting, but this time last year Walker's neck swelled up to the size of a balloon and he ended up getting infections and being on stall rest for 9 months.

So, you know, better safe than sorry.

Some bath tools
I gave him Sunday off even though he was back to normal, but I figured that if his neck was so sore that he couldn't move it, it was probably still a tad bit tender.  Instead I took advantage of the lovely weather and gave the princess a bath, which he appreciated almost as much as he does working.

I wanted to try a new type of shampoo/conditioner.  I normally do shampoo and conditioner separately, so I first used the Vetrolin bath I bought and then followed with my regular Mane & Tail Conditioner.  The Vetrolin is nice.  It lathers up wonderfully, but it doesn't have the same lovely smell as Mane & Tail which I now associate with horsey-bath time.

The new shampoo/conditioner I tried.
(Turn your head sideways to see it because I just wasn't getting my computer to spin this for you)


  1. Definitely better safe then sorry. Glad he wasn't as bad as last year!

  2. Glad it turned out to be minor

  3. Glad Walker is okay!

    Bath time smell is 100% Vetrolin for me. Sad that it will have to change.
