Thursday 20 March 2014

Second Horseversary!

Today is my second horseversary with Walker!

It has been a roller coaster of a ride these past two years but I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Walker is not only the love of my life, but my saving grace. He gives me purpose and determination, friendship and forgiveness, and represents all my dreams come true. Even when he drives me crazy. 

Happy horseversary, Walker! I look forward to many more!


  1. Awww.. congratulations! I wish I remembered the day I signed the papers! Ooh! You should do a photoshoot to celebrate. :)

    1. I only remember the day because it was after St. Paddy's day and I'm weird like that. I would totally do a photo shoot if I had someone to take photos and if the first day of spring didn't include 15 cm of snow and rain.
