Saturday, 16 March 2013

Boots and First Aid Clinic

Walker's ankle boots.  Yes.  I know these are on incorrectly.
Or at least I know this now!
My friend, A, came to visit Walker and me this weekend, and she also brought Walker's new jump boots with her!  We placed an order together, and so she has had them now for a few weeks.  It was pretty hilarious having the two of us - both used to Western horses with no boots, let alone open-front jump boots - try to figure out how to put them on.  Let me just say they are not as intuitive as you might think!  At least the back ones.  Our biggest indication that they were on incorrectly besides them looking absolutely stupid was Walker who adorably held his back leg up in the air and out to the side in an aggravated but surprisingly willing to put up with us kind of way.  Luckily, we were smart enough to know that we had them on wrong, so we took them off before we rode him!  Now that I'm pretty sure I know how they actually go on, I just need to check with my instructor that they fit him well because they felt a little tight, but what do I know!

Checking out his  "jump gear", i.e. English saddle and boots
After that we rode him for about an hour, which was longer than I would've liked since he still had the cold, but it was the first time that A has seen him in months.  We only cantered him a few circles in each direction, but he's still pretty sick.  A also got some pictures of us which are probably the first pictures of us riding since we showed.  Unfortunately, I pretty much let him go and didn't bother with any collection so he doesn't look too good in them.  A and I did spend the evening discussing collection and rounded backs and everything that the video I posted the other day mentioned about toplines.  I've been wanting to work on that more and more, so I think I have a good project for the summer!

Today, A and I participated in a First Aid Clinic at our barn, and that was also pretty interesting.  We learned how to do a lot of stretches and massages, as well as how to wrap and treat different types of wounds.  I was most interested by all the "cowboy remedies" that the clinician (and my barn owner and some of the older people in the clinic) had for treating remedies.  I'm a firm believer in old wives tales when they work.

Western Pleasure Walker - the sicker, less collected version (in English tack, of course).

We also tried Walker out in A's horse's hackamore
Thank God this horse is so good-natured


  1. What kind of boots did you get?

    1. I bought him the Equi-fit T-boots. The original, not the more expensive version. They were on sale, and I liked that they had a removable liner to make them easier for washing.
