Thursday, 14 March 2013


I went out to the barn to check on Walker and he still has the sniffles. Luckily, he still doesn't have a temperature, but one of the older horses in the barn who has it (and the horse I suspect gave it to Walker) had his temperature spike so both the barn owner and I are keeping an eye on Walker. Luckily, the vet was out to check them all and said not to worry. He didn't even prescribe anything for the older horse with the slight temperature. He said we just need to see it through. That comforts me. And it's also comforting that my barn owner is so close to the vet because he has looked at Walker a half a dozen times in the last couple months for minor things and has yet to charge me. :)

If Walker were one of the 7 dwarves...
I was going to hop on Walker bareback since I just wanted to give him some light exercise and fresh air. He didn't get out with the other horses today because the vet did suggest keeping the sick ones in, for obvious reasons. But besides not eating his grain and sneezing, he seemed more perky than yesterday or Tuesday so I threw a saddle on anyway (and also because there was a pony in the ring and I was afraid that Walker would decide to use the last bit of his energy to get rid of his rider and go at the pony). I only ended up walking and jogging though.  He was too sneezy to canter. Every time I got started, he would start sneezing and stop. I was only going to canter a circle or two anyway but decided to just leave it. I did do a bit of side passing though. I was happy with his performance at that, but he could've did a little more crossing over. I left it though because he is a sook and I am a sucker.

I tried to convince him to eat a handful of grain but he refused. He did eat the apples I brought for him. Of course he wouldn't give up on the idea of treats, no matter how sick he was!