Monday, 18 March 2013

Dinosaur Bump

Since I was occupied with the first aid clinic on Saturday and deciding to give Walker Sunday off as well, I went out to the barn today just to check on my sick pony, knowing full well that I'd have no time to ride.  But since he's still sick, I thought he might enjoy a thorough grooming and some of those new stretches I've learned.

Apparently two days off was too much in terms of shedding.  He was a shedding machine and I'm pretty sure that I didn't get it all out.  :S  While I really like the back tension massages (I could visibly see some muscle twitching), I had a hard time stretching out his hind legs.  I think it's a combination of his not being overly flexible and also being untrusting of what exactly I want to do with his back legs.  He was holding onto them pretty tightly and pretty much refused to let me pull them out.  Oh well.  We will work on that.

After I finally decide that my pony is still sick but at least somewhat more stretched out and clean, I notice this lovely bump on his nose, which, for the record, I did not notice when I first arrived and which looks exactly like a dinosaur's snout.

Needless to say, I dove into a panic assuming that he was having some sort of allergic reaction to god knows what.  While my barn owner assured me that it could very easily be the case, it was more likely just a bump.  She reassured me (and I confirmed) that there was no fluid in the bump, and it wasn't stopping him from munching on his hay.  I know that my barn owner is very knowledgeable and I know that she is honest with me, but sometimes I worry that she under-reacts to things, whereas I, of course, over-react to everything.

After I put some ice on it to little effect, I convinced myself to just leave it and go home.  My barn owner said she would come down to the barn later in the night and check it out.  If it was still swollen, she would call the vet and get his permission to give Walker something for it.  

The pony can't catch a break!
If Walker were scaley and green, he would look like this now