Sunday, 2 June 2013

If I had...

If I had $5000...

I would take lessons.  LOTS of lessons.  On different horses, Walker included.  But I would also take lessons on other horses so that at least I had some exposure to horses with an affinity for disciplines we can't do - jumping, dressage, reining, cutting, etc.  Plus, it never hurts to put some miles on different horses.

If I had $10,000...

I would lease a second horse.  This would be the best of both worlds.  I wouldn't feel bad about taking Walker back to Western Pleasure because I would have the second horse to do some of the other things I want to try.  I could have my cake and eat it too - get to keep the love of my life AND get to try (and dare I dream to say "excel at") a discipline I would better enjoy.

If I had $15,000 $20,000+...

I would buy a second horse.  Same as leasing a second horse only Walker gets a brother.  I imagine that this will be the plan eventually.  It just depends on how long "eventually" is.

If I had $1,000,000...

I would have Walker and however many lovely ponies I want.  I would have a nice big ol' farm house with a beautiful barn and lots of fields.  While I would probably keep my ponies at a place where I could continue to learn and have another watchful set of eyes, I could retire my ponies to my backyard or even keep a few there for the extensive trails I will obviously have.  If I had $1,000,000, I would probably spend the ENTIRE thing on horses (after I paid off my debt and gave some to my parents, of course).

But instead I have $0...

So I will make the best of life.  I will not complain that I am poor nor make excuses for not having the fanciest toy.  I will be thankful that I have a healthy, goofy pony who tries harder for me than many horses would.  I will work hard because at the end of the day, you get what you want by working hard, not by spending money.


  1. It's always fun to dream, I always dream of hitting the powerball.

  2. Never hurts to dream! Good attitude :)

  3. Awww....that's a great attitude to have!!
